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Extending WireMock for delayed callbacks


WireMock is a flexible Java test double for HTTP APIs that can be run in-process and as a standalone application. It has many built-in features and can also be extended.

Delayed callbacks

A little while back I had set up WireMock in standalone mode as part of testing a client’s service. In some cases the service makes HTTP calls to other services that perform some work and call back later. The delay can be as much as 10 minutes: much longer than an HTTP server timeout.

I wrote a WireMock extension that models these asynchronous APIs so we could test them. The extension is in Kotlin and a simplified version is the GitHub project WireMock extension for asynchronous APIs with later callbacks.

WireMock configuration

WireMock in standalone mode is usually configured with mappings specified in JSON. Here is an example mapping for the asynchronous API:

  "request": {
    "method": "POST",
    "url": "/contract/action"
  "response": {
    "transformers": [
    "transformerParameters": {
      "median": 4000,
      "sigma": 0.4

This mapping:

  • Accepts POST requests to the URI /contract/action.
  • Transforms the response using a transformer with name DelayedCallback.
  • Specifies parameters median and sigma for the transformer.


The asynchronous APIs follow a contract that includes a payload and a callback URL. Here is a simplified version:

data class ContractRequest(
    val correlationId: String,
    val payload: String,
    val callbackUrl: String,

data class ContractResponse(
    val correlationId: String,
    val message: String,
    val timestamp: String =,


The DelayedCallback transformer extends the WireMock ResponseTransformer abstract class.

class DelayedCallback : ResponseTransformer() {

    companion object {
        val executor: ScheduledExecutorService = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(10)
        val objectMapper = jacksonObjectMapper()

    // Identify this transformer in mapping specifications.
    override fun getName() = "DelayedCallback"
    // Only apply the transformer when specified.
    override fun applyGlobally() = false

    override fun transform(request: Request, response: Response, files: FileSource, parameters: Parameters): Response {

        // 1
        val contractRequest = try {
        } catch (ex: Exception) {
           logger.error("Exception reading contract request", ex)

        // 2
        val delayMillis = callbackDelayMillis(parameters)

        // 3
        executor.schedule({ contractRequest.callback() }, delayMillis, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)

        // 4
        val result = ContractResponse(
            "Acknowledged the request. Will call back after $delayMillis ms",
            .headers(HttpHeaders(HttpHeader.httpHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")))

    private fun callbackDelayMillis(parameters: Parameters?) =
        parameters?.let {
            val median = it.getDoubleValue("median", 1000.0)
            val sigma = it.getDoubleValue("sigma", 0.1)
            randomLogNormalMillis(median, sigma)
        } ?: 1000L

    private fun randomLogNormalMillis(median: Double, sigma: Double) =
        (exp(ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextGaussian() * sigma) * median).roundToLong()

The transform function

  1. Reads the ContractRequest value from the incoming request.

  2. Calculates the callback delay in milliseconds from a lognormal distribution using the supplied parameters and the simple default of fixed, 1-second delay. See below for information about reading double parameter values.

  3. Schedules the callback function using the executor service.

  4. Returns a contract response with the specified correlationId.

The callback function

This function is defined as an extension on ContractRequest. It uses the OkHttp client from the library already present in WireMock and sends another ContractResponse object with the same correlationId.

fun ContractRequest.callback() {

    val okClient = OkHttpClient()

    val body = objectMapper.writeValueAsString(ContractResponse(correlationId, "All processing complete"))
    val request = Request.Builder()

    okClient.newCall(request).execute().use { response ->
        if (!response.isSuccessful)
            logger.error("Error calling back: ${response.message}")
  "Callback successful: ${response.message}")

WireMock Parameters extension function

An extension to the WireMock Parameters class makes it easy to read double values safely:

fun Parameters.getDoubleValue(key: String, default: Double) = if (key in this)
    when (val value = get(key)) {
        is Double -> value
        is Int -> value.toDouble()
        is String -> value.toDoubleOrNull() ?: default
        else -> default
else default

The tests for this function show how it works.

Putting it together

A Gradle ‘uber-JAR’ task bundles WireMock standalone and extension code into one large JAR:

tasks.register<Jar>("uberJar") {


        configurations.runtimeClasspath.get().filter {"jar") }.map { zipTree(it) }

The command line to start it becomes:

java -cp wiremock-async-uber.jar \
  com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.standalone.WireMockServerRunner \
  --extensions mjs.wiremock.DelayedCallback
  • The main class needs to be specified explicitly.
  • WireMock is passed a comma-separated list of extension class names.